Monday, March 9, 2009

Camerawork in Skins

Episode 1.
Pandora - not in shot a lot of the time - off-screen or background to other characters, and camera never seems to linger on her that long - she is considered trivial and insignificant
MS track down corridor with Effy shows the two characters' expressions & interactions with each other, as well as all the other students in the corridor and their judgements.
In conversation with Effy at the start, the camera is on other people while Pandora is talking, showing instead what Effy is looking at - the twins. What she says is insignificant.
Effy - when she first enters, you can't see her in the car - she is unnoticeable as in her everyday life, and at home. However, she enters with a big scene that she is indifferent to - she causes a lot of things to happen but never seems to have a particular reaction to them.
At school, dominant in camerawork, lots of close-range shots as she is very expressive with her face and eyes.
Twins - Katie is always in the foreground, Emily in the background, watching. Cutaways to other characters are particularly significant with the twins and Naomi -Emily is always watching her, and whenever she says anything, there tends to be a cutaway to Katie rolling her eyes or looking annoyed. Also, often cutaways to Effy after Katie says something - she is not impressed by her. Longer range shots show positioning of both Emily and Katie when in the same shot, and also ELS near start shows Katie surrounded by the beauty-school clones, showing how she loves to be the centre of attention, whereas Emily is more reserved and shy.
JJ - similarly to Pandora, in background a lot, less important than Freddie and Cook. In positioning in frame, there are shots where the three boys are together and he is in half the shot with Cook whilst Freddie occupies the other half alone - Freddie is more independent, and Cook seems to have more sway over JJ.

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