Tuesday, March 3, 2009

SOUND in Skins


MUSIC is veeery important in Skins, and they take pride in picking the right song for every moment, with each episode packed full of a diverse mix of sound. [Click Here for the music guide - all the tracks used in each episode are also listed!]

It's used for specific characters, at specific moments, and to signify some sort of change - of scene, of pace, of something happening...

Episode 1 - 'Everyone'

The characters have their own themes, composed by Fat Segal, that often play during their scenes, and in their episodes. Episode 1 features both Cook and Freddie's themes. There's a lot of non-diegetic sound.

In this episode, as Effy walks down the corridor, the Santogold track Shove It plays - cool, upbeat, and indifferent to everyone else, as Effy herself is, looking like she's walking a catwalk. However it also works with the lyrics, as Pandora joins her, and the lyrics of the chorus say 'we think you're a joke, shove your hope where it don't shine' - this can be directed at Pandora, who, next to Effy, does look like a bit of a joke.

In the hair and beauty class scene with Pandora, Mets Tons/Dominique by Soeur Sourire plays - quirky, quiet, relaxed, and reflective of Pandora's nature and how she is daydreaming in the class, wishing she were somewhere else - the song is French, and the foreign language reflects how in her mind she is far away.

In the 'challenge' scene where Effy gives the challenge to Freddie, the start of the music as Effy walks away indicates:

  • that the challenge has begun
  • the conversation is over
  • the scene is changing

Using music to aid transitions from scene to scene is common in Skins, and can be found throughout the episode.

Sound in the form of dialogue is also very important - not just in what the characters may be saying, but in the pauses in between. This works in TV dramas, as we can see what's going on with the body language and facial expressions etc. of the characters, and television does not just rely on sound.

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